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Making sense of scents: structural insights into odor detection

Navid Paknejad, Xiao Fan, Dragana Nesic, Beth Graczyk, Vanessa Ruta.

Rockefeller University/HHMI


Olfactory systems must detect and discriminate an enormous diversity of chemicals in the environment. To contend with this challenge, diverse species from humans to insects, have converged on a common strategy in which odor identity is encoded through the combinatorial activation of large families of olfactory receptors, thus allowing a finite number of receptors to detect an almost infinite chemical world. Our lab has been using the insect olfactory system as a window into the structural logic of odor detection. Insects rely on an enormous and highly divergent family of odorant-gated ion channels which have we have been using as an inroad to gain insight into the structural logic of odorant detection. I will discuss recent work that shed light on the architecture, function, and evolution of this receptor family and how they confer insects with the ability to navigate a complex chemical world.

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